Tournament of Champions

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Welcome to the „Tournament of Champions”,
a new Cosplay Competition focussed solely on crafting.
We are providing a Prize Pool of 5000€, which will be increased as we gather more Sponsors!
Best in Show Award
The winner of the competition will receive a customized trophy, 50 % of the prize pool money, as well as any sponsoring based prizes that have been provided for the winner specifically). Additionally, the winner will automatically be added as a judge for next year’s finals, and will be displayed as a winner on a banner, displayed in the venue as a winner’s gallery.
Category Award
Each separate category will receive an award, which will consist of a trophy, a portion of the prize pool money, as well as any sponsoring based prized that fit the category (e.g. Sewing machine for needlework – if provided by sponsor).
Judges Award
Each Judge will be able to give one contestant a personalized award, which will include the judge’s signature.
Audience favorite
The only award given based on stage presence is based on the reception of the audience. This will be based on a voting through the app available through the google play store/apple play store.
Price pool: This is subject to change depending on event revenue and sponsoring: We plan on providing a prize pool of €5000, split between all category winners, and best in show. Additionally, we are in talks with sponsors to add prizes that fit the categories.

Trine.k.n. wins the Tournament of Champions!
Trine.K.N from Denmark has won the 2023 Tournament of Champions! Qualifying at J-PopCon in February 2023, Trine had a lot of time to prepare

Presenting: The Tournament of Champions!
Welcome to this new Grand Competition, showcasing Cosplay skills from everywhere, where participants from multiple countries will come together in an amazing Final, and